The superb weather heightening the natural ambience of Wandlebury Country Park has created the perfect venue for in situ:’s latest production.
The beautiful evenings are attracting enthusiastic audiences and the response to the ghost in me has been overwhelmingly positive.
Silvano Squizzato, a key contributor to the first phase of the project, sent us his comments:
“Many thanks for such a wonderful evening of theatre providing a fascinating and thought-provoking journey through an almost otherworldly space and time.
The overwhelming presence of natural elements at Wandlebury in constantly changing lights and shadows from sunset to twilight overlap beautifully with the multiple images and tableaux created by a cast extremely focussed from the very beginning to the end. The performance is of such intensity and evocativeness that the audience start to follow incredible paths through their imagination and memories. The mysterious sounds and audio fragments originating from the ‘white tent’ are so powerful to blend into the birds calls and various other natural sources of vibrations to create a magic soundscape where it’s hard to guess what is artificial, what is real, what is recorded.
The walk through the apple trees and tall grass is extremely oppressive and I thought to hear voices coming from nowhereHi in the thick branches. There is a recurring transition from presence to absence, from past to present, from dead to alive and the other way around.
Words, emotions, memories are often disembodied from the performers, they find their own dimension to exist for a few moments and then fade away.
The ‘body sculpturing’ reminded me of the metaphysical world painted by De Chirico inhabited by haunted mannequins whereas the strange ‘black deadly monument’ suggested me the mythological figure of Argus, the many-eyed giant.
I was surprised and amazed by the unexpected wind-chimes silent human ensemble, many thanks for such a lovely ghostly tribute.
Excellent work and congratulations to all!
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