An 8-week course exploring all aspects of storytelling technique.
Storytelling is a challenging, fascinating and multi-faceted branch of theatre which gives great pleasure to participants and audiences alike.
An exploration of storytelling has been an important part of in situ:’s recent theatrical work. We’ve performed several of the great European story cycles, including Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, which was a hit at last year’s Brighton Festival.
The Course
This course focuses on storytelling in performance. What makes a good storyteller? How can an audience be gripped, moved and excited by a story?
Participants will learn games, tricks and exercises designed to improve their storytelling capabilities, including vocal range and strength, powers of characterisation and transformation, the rhythm of performance, the creation and relaxation of tension and how to create a rapport with your audience.
Participants will be invited to bring a couple of stories to tell. More details will be supplied on booking.
This course is open to all, but some previous performing experience – not necessarily with in situ: – is an advantage. If you’re not sure if it’s the right course for you, get in touch and find out more.