Learn To Act with in situ: 3

Our current run of Learn to Act 1 and 2 courses has proved popular, prompting the addition of a further round from April.

Starting on Tuesday 29th April, Learn to Act 1 is a once-weekly, four-part course introducing the basic principles of acting. By the end of the course, you will have gained confidence in using different acting skills like improvisation, using the breath and the voice, creating an effective stage picture and building a character.

From Tuesday 27th May, Learn to Act 2 introduces games, exercises and techniques designed to widen the range, power and flexibility of your voice. We will ask you to choose and learn a text, which you will have a chance to perform in all sorts of contrasting ways as the course progresses. This will give you an insight into how to bring the written word alive in performance. We will also work on a text by a major playwright, such as Chekhov or Ibsen.

You may book for Learn to Act through PayPal below, or alternatively download a booking form and pay by cheque.

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